Mantra means setting the mind free. Man = mind and tra = to set free. When we practice mantra, we are repeating words, versus, sounds over and over to help cleanse the mind, body and spirit. I love mantra because it helps reset my thought patterns - what I think, I will then become. The vibration of our thoughts eventually become our actions, and ultimately the way we live our lives.

These mantras below are “mana” mantras. They help clear and reset the brain so it can receive mental information. The Mana chakra is located at the back of the head, and assists with transforming the mind into a powerful divine instrument.

Here are a few you can practice:

Om Mani Padme Hum

[O Mah-nee Pahd-meh Hoom]

Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam-gate Bodhi Swaha

[Gah-teh Gah-teh Pah-rah Gah-teh Pah-rah Sahm Gah-teh Boh-dee Swah-ha]

TODAY try repeating any of these words out loud, silently or written in your journal:

I am safe to receive information.

I lovingly receive information.

I forgive the past.

I am free in this moment.

Jennifer Marriott